Receive me as thy servant and cover me with the mantle of thy protection, thou the Mother of mercy! Amen. The legions of the Roman Republic and Empire had a fairly standardised dress and armour, particularly from approximately the early to mid 1st century onward, when Lorica Segmentata (segmented armour) was introduced. I put all my hopes in thee, all my salvation. I love thee, most lovable Lady, By the love which I bear thee, I promise ever to serve thee, and to do as much as I can, that thou be loved by others also. senior bearded man worship in black cloak over mystery sunset sky.
Some superhero capes are the exception to the length rule modern versions of Superman’s cape nearly touch the ground. Download Praying Hands Open Bible stock photos. t.) To cover with, or as with, a cloak hence, to hide or conceal.

( n.) That which conceals a disguise or pretext an excuse a fair pretense a mask a cover. It is longer than a cape, and is worn both by men and by women.

Capes are typically shorter, falling to the hips or thighs. ( n.) A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. So those flappy things super heroes wear are capes. Here is a short prayer that can help internalize this image and call upon Mary as a mother who is ready to help us, no matter what happens. Capes Tend to be Shorter Cloaks are Full-Length or Calf Length. Once there, the Virgin Mary will caress our hair and cover us with her soft and warm mantle, ensuring us that all will be well. Linen was favored, but making linen out of flax is quite a process. First, make your linen Twisted hanks of flax fibre, late Middle Kingdom, about 1850-1750 BC You could not, of course, go to a shop and buy cloth. A helpful image is to imagine ourselves running like a little child and throwing our heads into the lap of the Blessed Mother. In biblical times the basic textiles were wool and linen. We find Paul ( 1 Thessalonians 2:5) disclaiming using 'a cloak of covetousness' (compare 1 Peter 2:16) and Jesus ( John 15:22) saying, 'Now they have no excuse ('cloak') for their sin.' Some such usage seems common to all languages compare English 'palliate.' See DRESS. Many saints over the centuries have urged the Christian faithful to view Mary as a spiritual mother to whom we can run to in our time of need. Figuratively: The word lent itself easily and naturally to figurative uses.

On account of this heavenly position, she can make her presence felt anywhere on earth and can comfort us in our sorrows and rejoice with us in our joys. The Blessed Mother may not be physically present on this earth, but she does remain at the side of her son, Jesus, and listens attentively to the cries of the world. This was not simply a sweet way of Jesus caring for his aging mother, but a bold declaration that all of us are called to share Mary as our true spiritual mother. While hanging upon the cross, Jesus said to John the Apostle (as well as to all of us), “Behold, your mother” (John 19:27). Like a loving child, run to your spiritual mother and hide under her mantle for comfort and protection.