I have also read that if you are in a timezone that changes between summer and winter you should run the rsync command under UTC to avoid associated timezone complications, but I have not tested this myself: TZ=UTC rsync -rtvh -modify-window=1 -delete /home/xralf/audio /media/extdevice/rsync_backups/ The fix here is to use -modify-window=1 (see the documentation, man rsync, for the detail). This means that for many files rsync will consider them to be out of date and will recopy them - needlessly. The big problem here is that you're writing to a VFAT filesystem, which has only two-second granularity on its file timestamps. This is the situation that you are using (local to local copy). (The exception is if you can read a local disk significantly faster than you can write to it.) In scenario #1, the -whole-file option is enabled by default and will lead to file copies that are almost always faster than incremental transfers. Here, -whole-file is not enabled by default. These two instances can independently read the source and target file to compare them, hopefully resulting in the optimised case that only changes are transmitted across the network. In this situation rsync can run one instance of itself on the local machine and one on the remote. Remote copies (where one path contains style constructs). Indeed, almost all of the time it would make no sense to enable this as you'd spend longer reading the source and destination files to compare them than just copying the file in the first place. The -whole-file option is enabled in this situation, so there is no incremental optimisation. In this instance rsync chooses to copy an entire file or skip it, depending on the file size and modification timestamp. Local copies (including network filesystems where both source and destination look like they are part of the local filesystem). There are fundamentally two modes of operation for rsync.

The transfer may be faster if this option is used when the bandwidth between the source and destination machines is higher than the bandwidth to disk (especially when the "disk" is actually a networked filesystem). This option disables rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which causes all transferred files to be sent whole. Let's start with the documentation for -whole-file ( -W) found on your system with man rsync, which first explains what it does: